Eight men aged between 15-25 years were killed by gunfire mowed while playing football in one province in Honduras recently. The police have arrested the perpetrators, but have not managed to uncover the motive for the incident.
As reported nodeju.com, this event began when a group of youths playing football in one of the rooms in Catacamas, located 120 miles from the capital city of Honduras, Teguicigalpa. Not unexpectedly, all of a sudden a man carrying a machine gun fired directly at them.
Eight young men dying at the scene. While the perpetrators were arrested shortly after the bloody events that occurred. Until now, local police still studying the case.
Honduras is a country with the highest murder rate in the world. A total of 86 cases of murder have occurred in every 10 thousand citizens. For the locals there, murder is commonplace in life. In 2010, gunmen also killed 14 amateur soccer players. Ten of them died on the spot, while four others were killed after treatment.
Circulation of drugs allegedly triggered the majority of homicides in Honduras. In this country, there are also many gang that often clashed with each other.
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