The video explicitly said that Ukraine does not deserve to host because of their stance against racism. BBC allegation is made the Ukrainian government's wrath. Through their foreign minister, Oleg Voloshin, Ukraine demanded an apology from the BBC.
Government of Ukraine also mention some BBC journalists involved in the making of the video will be summoned to Brussels in early July to negotiate at once asked for an explanation for making the video.
Voloshin rate, the BBC's fault is that they act Liput racism only comes from a small group of Ukrainian right-wing extremists who often do in fact tend to be racist, not the Ukraine as a whole. Ketidakberimbangan investigation that makes the Ukrainian government felt the BBC had made a mistake.
"I do not know when we will get an apology from a BBC journalist. But, we will hold them to them," Voloshin said as quoted by Russian news sites, Ria Novosti.
"We're not going to say that there is absolutely no acts of racism in Ukraine. What we say is all the (acts of racism) does not occur on a large scale. That is why there is an initiative to invite them (BBC journalist) to negotiate," due diligence.
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